The Food Ministry for the poor, in concert with San Isidro
Catholic Church in Pompano Beach, continues as always. Please drop canned goods and other non- perishable items in the bins, now located at the Parish Office doors.
Thank you for your generosity in feeding our neighbors.
Ministry to the Homeless
We thank everyone for their generosity in helping to feed our neighbors. We continue to appeal to everyone to help with the Sandwich Ministry by making sandwiches and delivering them to the Parish Office on Fridays by 10 a.m. Also welcome are items like hard-boiled eggs and bottled water.
For service hours you will receive credit at drop off by the office secretary. Sandwiches are made by using 2 slices of bread and 2 slices of your preferred meat and 1 slice of cheese. Please do not add condiments or lettuce and tomatoes. Stack the sandwiches back in the original bags and secure the sandwich bag. You can also make peanut butter and jelly. You will receive service hours for the sandwiches and 1 service hour per each dozen eggs.
We are now collecting CLEAN usable men’s and women’s clothing and sneakers (especially large sizes) for men and women for Our Father’s House for the homeless, to be brought to the church in bags and left by the food barrels by 10 a.m. Friday.
Call the Parish Office at 954-943-9154 with questions.