
All of us belong to the universal Catholic Church, and you, in particular, can bring tremendous gifts to our parish.

We invite you to join one of our many ministries, as together we continue to grow and flourish by giving of our time, talents and treasures.

For more information, call Secretary Connie Clark in the Parish Office at 954-943-9154.


Rehearsals at 12:30 p.m. Sundays Contact music Director HoangDung “Zung” Le,

Church Servers

Sacristans, Cleaners, Flowers and Holiday Setup Contact the Parish Office to learn more.

Council of Catholic Women

The National Council of Catholic Women acts through its members to support, empower, and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service. NCCW programs respond with Gospel values to the Church’s and society’s needs in the modern world.

For information, contact President Donna Schlager at 954-579-6880. Read the Council’s brochure to learn more about the National Council of Catholic Women.

First Friday Devotions

Morning Prayer, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Solemn Benediction First Friday of the month, following the 11 a.m. Mass

Knights Of Columbus

Men on a mission a Catholic brotherhood changing the world.  – John A. Hill Council 4955 – Check out their website here.  Or for more information contact Bill Whiting at 561-368-6531 or email at 

Legion of Mary

Today there are an estimated 5 million members in the Legion of Mary worldwide. Requirement for membership is that one is a practicing Catholic, over 18 years of age and has a willingness to pray and perform Works of Mercy.  There are two grades of membership: Active and Auxiliary.

Active Membership: To be an active member in the Legion of Mary, one must be a practicing Catholic. Active members serve God under the banner of Mary by attending and praying at a weekly meeting. The members of the Legion are primarily engaged in the performance of the Spiritual Works of Mercy rather than works of material aid (which are prohibited).

Auxiliary Membership: Auxiliary members serve through prayers.  The Legions booklet, called the Tessera, consists of the daily recitation of prayers plus five decades of the rosary. This membership is open to priests, religious and lay people who are unable or unwilling to assume the duties of active membership, but who associate themselves with the Legion by undertaking a service of prayer in its name.

Every Tuesday in the parish hall at 9 AM. For more information call: Jamie Remacle – 954-448-0033.

Mass Service

Altar Servers, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, Commentators, Lectors, and Ushers.  New volunteers contact the parish office. Volunteer schedule

Respect Life

The Respect Life Ministry of the Archdiocese of Miami, faithful to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, exists to uphold the sanctity and dignity of all human life from conception to natural death. The ministry is involved in a variety of projects and activities, including: ~ Pregnancy Help Center, including limited ultrasounds ~ Pregnancy tests ~ Maternal Assistance ~ Community Referrals ~ Support and care for pregnant women, including infant goods ~ Parenting classes for men and women ~ Project Rachel for women who have experienced an abortion ~ Project Joseph – Better Men, Better Dads. Project Joseph, a joint venture between Respect Life Ministry Archdiocese of Miami and the Franciscans of Life, has evolved into an archdiocesan network of formation and service for men who are in crisis pregnancies. ~ Monthly prayer gatherings at women’s clinics around South Florida ~ Annual Baby Bottle Campaign for our Religious Education students ~ Annual May Baby Shower ~ Annual March for Life ~ Forty Days for Life ~ Chastity Day for students ~ Catholic Days at the Capital ~ Respect Life Sunday For information, call the Parish Office at 954-943-9154 and ask for Darlene Ludwick or Dawn Defritas.  You’re invited to join other Catholics as we commit to 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You’re also invited to stand and peacefully pray with us outside a local abortion provider’s office. Stay tuned to the bulletin for future dates. Since the beginning of this movement, it is estimated that 11,700 unborn babies have been saved through these efforts.

Our Fathers House Soup Kitchen

Our sandwich ministry will be at Our Father’s House Soup Kitchen in Pompano Beach. Volunteers may choose to make sandwiches at home and bring them to the Parish Office on Friday morning before 10:00 a.m. or to deliver them directly to Our Father’s House by 10:00 a.m. We hope you will help.

Rosary - Men’s Guardian of the Faith Cenacle

7:00 p.m. Wednesdays in the Chapel. Ash Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. Contact Tom Sheehan,

Rosary - Women’s Guardian of the Faith Cenacle

9:30 a.m. Mondays in the Church. Contact Darlene Ludwick, 954-908-0771,

Saint Vincent De Paul Society

The St. Vincent de Paul ministry here at St. Paul’s is newly reformed and welcomes new members! We are currently collecting $10 and $20 gift cards for Publix and Walmart to distribute to clients in need.  You can also donate cash in the locked box to the left of the altar by Mary. You can also put cash into envelopes designated for St Vincent De Paul. If you do not see those envelopes, put the money in any envelope and make sure you label it St Vincent De Paul.  If you’re able to help with gift cards, please bring your donation to the Parish office or place it in the collection baskets.

Thank you!

Saint Vincent de Paul Society Call the Parish Office at 954-943-915


The Scouts :   Cub Scouts: 7 p.m. Sundays Melanie Parmelee – (954) 254-4121  Boy Scouts: 7 p.m. Wednesdays  Contact: Don Marese : 954-520-3450

Youth Group

Most Fridays at 6 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Contact Katie Romano at (786) 853-2646
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